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丈夫性醜聞纏身 華裔主播陳曉怡辭脫口秀
前任哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)執行長穆恩維斯(Leslie Moonves)遭控性騷擾的一周之後,他的華裔女主播妻子陳曉怡(Julie Chen)宣布,即起卸下晨間脫口秀節目「談話」(The Talk)主持棒。

FILE – In this June 16, 2014 file photo, Les Moonves, right, president and CEO of CBS Corporation, and his wife Julie Chen pose together at the premiere of the CBS science fiction television series “Extant” in Los Angeles. Chen returned to television with an unusual sign-off days after her husband, Les Moonves, resigned as CBS CEO following sexual misconduct allegations. The 48-year-old ended Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018 “Big Brother” broadcast by saying, “From outside the ‘Big Brother’ house, I’m Julie Chen Moonves. Good night.” Usually, she just says “Julie Chen.” (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)
繼2018年「紐約客」雜誌揭娛樂界性醜聞後,又揭出新的名人醜行。這次的「主角」是哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)執行長拉斯穆恩維斯(Les Moonves),他被六名女性指控伸魔爪和強吻;CBS於27日已對這起違反公司政策的性醜聞指控進行調查。
穆恩維斯被六名女性指控,指他20多年前曾強行親吻和亂摸她們,其中包括女星艾琳娜·道格拉斯(Illeana Douglas)。
「我是納瑟的受害人之一,但我不會讓此事定義自己。」──前體操選手艾比蓋爾‧柏吉隆(Abigayle Bergeron)