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全民嗆聲 美國掀起社會行動主義風潮

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世界日報編譯                               2018年03月24日




學生團體組織的「為活命而走」大遊行(March for Our Lives)24日在華府等數百個大城市登場,雖然又是一場呼籲槍枝管制的活動,但近來一連串的草根性爭權益活動凸顯出美國興起社會行動主義風潮,且大多數人認為民主不再是袖手旁觀的運動。



Children walk hand-in-hand as demonstrators protest the fatal shooting Sunday of an unarmed black man in Sacramento, Calif., Thursday, March 22, 2018. Hundreds of people rallied for Stephon Clark, a 22-year-old who was shot in his grandparents' backyard. Police say they feared he had a handgun when they confronted him after reports that he had been breaking windows, but he only had a cellphone. (AP Photo/Robert Petersen)

Children walk hand-in-hand as demonstrators protest the fatal shooting Sunday of an unarmed black man in Sacramento, Calif., Thursday, March 22, 2018. Hundreds of people rallied for Stephon Clark, a 22-year-old who was shot in his grandparents’ backyard. Police say they feared he had a handgun when they confronted him after reports that he had been breaking windows, but he only had a cellphone. (AP Photo/Robert Petersen)      兩個孩子手牽手參加一場抗議活動,其中一個孩子空著印有「黑人的命也是命」的T恤。這是加州沙加緬度的一名非裔被警察射殺之後舉行的抗議活動。(美聯社)

(FILES) In this file photo taken on February 17, 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Emma Gonzalez reacts during her speech at a rally for gun control at the Broward County Federal Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. One month to the day after a 19-year-old shooter unleashed a hail of gunfire at a Florida high school, tens of thousands of American students will stage a school walkout in a politically charged tribute to the victims. The "National School Walkout" slated to begin March 14, 2018 at 10:00 am will last 17 minutes -- one for each victim shot dead during the Valentine's Day massacre in Parkland.  / AFP PHOTO / RHONA WISERHONA WISE/AFP/Getty Images

(FILES) In this file photo taken on February 17, 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Emma Gonzalez reacts during her speech at a rally for gun control at the Broward County Federal Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
One month to the day after a 19-year-old shooter unleashed a hail of gunfire at a Florida high school, tens of thousands of American students will stage a school walkout in a politically charged tribute to the victims. The “National School Walkout” slated to begin March 14, 2018 at 10:00 am will last 17 minutes — one for each victim shot dead during the Valentine’s Day massacre in Parkland.   / AFP PHOTO / RHONA WISERHONA WISE/AFP/Getty Images     佛州帕克蘭高中生龔薩雷茲的推特追隨者在槍案後增至120萬人。圖為龔薩雷茲在槍案後演講,抨擊「捐款步槍協會政客:真是可恥」。(Getty Images)








美國教師聯盟主席蘭迪‧懷恩嘉頓(Randi Weingarten)認為,這些活動的相似處是人們看見團結力量大,且社媒普及與組織活動的能力也大幅超越1960年代。「我也是」標籤幾天內就跨越100萬門檻,佛州帕克蘭高中生艾瑪‧龔薩雷茲(Emma Gonzalez)的推特追蹤者在槍案後增至120萬人,而西維吉尼亞州教師的臉書專頁成員從最初的100人增至2萬4000人。


公民大學創辦人者、前總統柯林頓顧問劉柏川(Eric Liu)認為,抗議活動的名稱或社媒主題標籤可能會改變,但他們的影響將持續。


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