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管控槍支護生命 全美老小大遊行

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中國婦權編譯      3/24/2018

佛羅里達州2月的校園槍擊案後,又該校學生最先發起抗議活動迅速獲得全美乃至世界多個國家民眾的響應,呼籲加強槍械管制。3月24日,美國50州多個城市超過一百萬人上街遊行。在華盛頓的「為我們生命遊行」(March For Our Lives)遊行現場,年僅11歲的Naomi Wadler發表演說,她的現場實錄在YOUTO、推特上引發廣泛點擊關注和好評。


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Naomi Wadler激昂登台演講,呼籲各界正視因槍械暴力失去生命的非裔女性,聲音鏗鏘有力,口齒清楚。活動現場悼念佛州事件的17名死者外,更追加一分鐘,追憶7日在阿拉巴馬州另一起校園槍案罹難的17歲非裔少女Courtlin Arrington。


Naomi Wadler在演說中表示:「我今天在這裡肯定並代表非裔美籍女孩,她們的故事無法登上所有全國報紙頭版,她們的故事不會成為晚間新聞裡的要聞。」「我代表受到槍枝暴力傷害的非裔美國女性,她們原該是充滿活力與潛力的女孩,卻只淪為統計數字。」「我和我的朋友們也許才11歲,我們可能還在上小學,但我們知道,不是每個人的生命都平等,我們知道對與錯。」




Demonstrators fill Pennsylvania Avenue, as seen from the Newseum, during the March for Our Lives rally in support of gun control in Washington D.C., March 24, 2018.

Demonstrators fill Pennsylvania Avenue, as seen from the Newseum, during the March for Our Lives rally in support of gun control in Washington D.C., March 24, 2018.

Students hold signs showing the students and teachers killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, during March for Our Lives in Los Angeles, March 24, 2018.

PORTLAND, OR - MARCH 24, 2018: Protesters denounce the NRA (National Rifle Association) to protest school shootings and to demand gun control during the March for Our Live on March 24, 2018, in downtown Portland, OR. (Photo by Diego Diaz/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

PORTLAND, OR – MARCH 24, 2018: Protesters denounce the NRA (National Rifle Association) to protest school shootings and to demand gun control during the March for Our Live on March 24, 2018, in downtown Portland, OR. (Photo by Diego Diaz/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

PORTLAND, OR - MARCH 24, 2018: Protesters denounce the NRA (National Rifle Association) to protest school shootings and to demand gun control during the March for Our Live on March 24, 2018, in downtown Portland, OR. (Photo by Diego Diaz/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

PORTLAND, OR – MARCH 24, 2018: Protesters denounce the NRA (National Rifle Association) to protest school shootings and to demand gun control during the March for Our Live on March 24, 2018, in downtown Portland, OR. (Photo by Diego Diaz/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images


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