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擔起社會道義反送中 港女詮釋新篇章

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中國婦權        張菁


香港酷暑,伴隨著“反送中”風潮延燒,港府拒絕認錯,迫使民眾繼續抗爭, 不合作運動遍港開花,所見之處,港女無處不在,她們無分年齡和職業,與其他市民一起紛紛湧上街頭,同聲提出五大訴求,雙肩擔負起社會道義。



HONG KONG – JUNE 14: People hold up smartphone lights and posters during a “mums protest” against alleged police brutality and the proposed extradition treaty, near the Legislative Council building on June 14, 2019 in Hong Kong. The territory’s Legislative Council delayed a second reading of the controversial extradition bill on Thursday after police and protesters clashed outside government buildings as tensions continue over the bill that would allow suspected criminals to be sent to the mainland. An estimated 1 million people took to the streets on Sunday to protest as clashes between demonstrators and the police erupted after the peaceful march and many believe the proposed amendment would erode Hong Kong’s legal protections, placing its citizens at risk of extradition to China. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)



中国妇权Women’s Rights in China