2018年1月底,美國密西根州蘭辛法庭判處密州州立大學運動醫師拉瑞納瑟(Larry Nassar)入獄175年,接著密西根州大校長Lou Anna Simon也辭去校長職務。而密州大學與遭受Larry Nassar性侵的332名受害人的律師團體於5月16日聯合宣布,雙方已達成和解,密州大將支付受害者共5億元賠償金,平均每位受害者將獲得128萬元賠償;這也是美國歷史上一所大學付出總額最高的性侵和解金。在此之前性侵賠償和解金額,最高紀錄是由賓州州立大學前美式足球助理教練Jerry Sandusky被法院裁定其45項罪名成立,刑期為30到60年,校方賠償33位受害人共1億900萬元。
FILE – In this Aug. 17, 2013 file photo McKayla Maroney smiles after competing on the floor exercise during the U.S. women’s national gymnastics championships in Hartford, Conn. Maroney says the group that trains U.S. Olympic gymnasts forced her to sign a confidential settlement to keep allegations of sexual abuse by the team’s doctor secret. Maroney filed a lawsuit Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2017, in Los Angeles, against the United States Olympic Committee and USA Gymnastics. The suit also seeks damages from Michigan State University, where the team’s doctor, Larry Nassar, worked for decades. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola,File) 納瑟性侵的對象包括美國奧運女子體操隊選手,圖為奧運金牌選手馬隆妮。(美聯社)
FILE – In this Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018 file photo, Larry Nassar sits during his sentencing hearing in Lansing, Mich. Nassar, a 54-year-old former doctor for USA Gymnastics and member of Michigan State’s sports medicine staff, admitted to molesting athletes while he was supposedly treating them for injuries. Nassar was the U.S. national team’s doctor from 1995 to 2015. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File) 密西根州大運動醫師Larry Nassar(中)性侵案,因多項性侵罪被判刑175年。(美聯社)
Michigan State University (MSU) President Lou Anna Simon speaks after being confronted by victims during a break at the sentencing hearing for Larry Nassar, a former team USA Gymnastics doctor who pleaded guilty in November 2017 to sexual assault charges, in Lansing, Michigan, U.S., January 17, 2018. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid。 密西根州大前校長盧.安娜.賽蒙因納瑟性侵案辭職。(路透)
這項經雙方數輪調解後達成的協議,其中4億2500萬元支付給受 害者,7500萬元用於成立信託基金,作為未來提出索賠者的備用金。據估算,扣除律師費用以及其他花費後,每位受害者將依遭性侵次數、性侵程度,例如僅撫摸或插入,來決定賠償25萬元到250萬元不等的金額。
密州州大董事會董事Brian Breslin表示,“對所有受害者與家人,我們感到非常抱歉,也很欽佩他們挺身而出的勇氣;校園與社區必需加強對性侵的認識與預防”。納瑟上述犯罪前後跨越25年,這段期間他曾參與12種運動選手的療護,許多受害人是尚未成年的兒童,包括六歲幼童。
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